It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up -- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had. -Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Cake Mania

It's been an eventful weekend for us. On Saturday, we finally got a chance to have dinner with my in laws. We ordered an ice cream cake at DQ just for this special occasion. To my surprise being a grammar nazi that I am they put apostrophe on "Congrats", which made me crazy when I picked up the cake. When we finally showed my mother in law the cake she understood. My sister-in-law had a funnier reaction she didn't understand it right away haha! As we expected, of course, they were happy for us. We told our closest friends after and the next thing I know people were congratulating us on facebook so I decided to put it up on my status as tacky as that sounds. My dad found out through facebook just like the rest of the world. Followed by annoying comments from my coworker who thinks he got it all figured out. My annoyance with him has nothing to do with my pregnancy just to let you guys know I've been hating on that guy since we started working together, which was 2-3 years ago! He's just one of those assholes you don't want to talk to if you had a choice. On Sunday, we decided to have a spur of the moment dinner with Mom. She provided the food and we provided dessert. We bought her a cake just because I felt kind of bad not bringing any when we told them the good news. To that fruit-topped cake's defense, that was one really yummy cheesecake! The kids thought it was their Grandma's birthday cake. They were very insistent about having birthday candles on the cake so I obliged and lit candles there and made them sing the Birthday song before they each can blow the candles. And that's how we spent our weekend...

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evey ♥ said...

Congrats again sis! :) enjoy ur mommyhood!

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