It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up -- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had. -Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Facebook Madness

Facebook stopped working for an hour and I find myself with nothing to do. I've been spending so much of my time there lately it is insane. I'm now actively playing 3 games from Millionaire City, Resort World, and the latest Cafe Life. Those games aren't even that great but it helps pass time on my days off. Blogging to me is now a chore so if you notice me blog less and less that's probably why. I should set up a schedule that'll give me ample time to find material for my blog instead of trying to blog daily. I was thinking maybe twice a week as a good way to start every Mondays and Fridays.

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The whole weekend I've been wondering what to write. It's actually harder than I thought to own a blog. Signing up is one thing but maintaining it is another. So I'm going to write a review about Tom Cruise's recent movie.

Knight and Day
This movie made over $200 million worldwide but less than $100 million in the U.S. If you make less than $100 million (domestic) that means the movie's a bust but for me this is the only time I've seen Tom Cruise as a funny guy! All of his roles in the past have been so serious so to me this is a breath of fresh air. Tom plays an agent gone rogue and Cameron Diaz plays a normal girl who gets her life tangled with Tom's as they find themselves on the same airplane. I've never laughed so hard the whole time I was watching this movie. He's just so funny in this movie! I especially like the scene when he was hanging upside down and Cameron's passed out somewhere just coming into. That's in the preview by the way so I'm not really ruining it for anyone who hasn't seen the movie. I won't say much about how this movie turns out. Go watch it I promise you'll have fun.

4/5 stars

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My Reason for quitting Twitter

I'm actually a fan of Twitter. I've been tweeting constantly since I joined. There's something about micro blogging in limited characters that just attracted me to it coupled by being able to follow just about anyone especially celebrities made me hooked. The downside to it is being prone to stalking. I may not be a celebrity but somehow I was followed by some guy. At first I was scared for my life but later on I realized I'm not going to be ruled by my fear I'm going to live my life. Basically, life for me went on until I found out I can set my account on private and kick out people I don't want following me. That made it so much better for me but I craved the public account at the same time. Everything I've said so far are not the reason why I quit Twitter. My reason is more personal regarding my cousin that I tweeted back and forth pretty much everyday since I joined in. I thought we were close friends since we were constantly communicating but I found out we're not. I was one of the last people to know of her pregnancy so obviously we were not that close. All those months of tweeting/texting back and forth I never heard her once try to confide in me, and it hurt to think she couldn't trust me. I understand it's her secret to tell or not and she definitely had the right to choose who to confide in but the fact that I wasn't one of the chosen people made a huge impact on me. My sister was one of the chosen one. It's not about sibling rivalry I never once competed with my sister but if she was able to tell her why not me? What was so wrong about me that she felt she couldn't trust me?

Coming back from Vancouver I lost the enthusiasm to tweet. I thought to myself if she didn't want to share that with me then why am I an open book to her. After having that train of thought I decided I wasn't going to tweet anymore. I wanted to deprive her of the details of my life just to show her what it felt like to be on the other end. When I learned about my pregnancy, I told my family and my husband's family but I never included her side of the family. I made them find out on facebook just like the rest of the world. Though of course my Mom and my sister probably mentioned it already but the fact that I didn't say it to them personally gave me great satisfaction. Now that my cousin knows I'm pregnant she's reaching out again texting how my morning sickness is going and such. I'd like to be happy that she's trying to have a relationship with me again but the bitterness is still there. Right now I just can't do it. Maybe in time I'll heal but for now everything's still fresh.

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Babies = $$$

Crib $350

Playpen $150
 So I've been checking out how much cribs, car seats, strollers, and etc cost and to my surprise cribs are really expensive! How can that little bed cost that much when it's only useful for about a year and after that you have to buy them toddler beds! There's actually so much more the baby needs before my due date and I'm just so overwhelmed right now. It's time to start segregating! I need to figure out which grandmas/grandpa/aunts/uncles will buy this stuff for us haha! We knew going into this it'd cost a lot but to actually make a list of it and total the whole thing in my head is a shock. I better do gift registry early too way before the baby shower or we're stuck with 2-3 of the same stuff. Welcome to reality!

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Cake Mania

It's been an eventful weekend for us. On Saturday, we finally got a chance to have dinner with my in laws. We ordered an ice cream cake at DQ just for this special occasion. To my surprise being a grammar nazi that I am they put apostrophe on "Congrats", which made me crazy when I picked up the cake. When we finally showed my mother in law the cake she understood. My sister-in-law had a funnier reaction she didn't understand it right away haha! As we expected, of course, they were happy for us. We told our closest friends after and the next thing I know people were congratulating us on facebook so I decided to put it up on my status as tacky as that sounds. My dad found out through facebook just like the rest of the world. Followed by annoying comments from my coworker who thinks he got it all figured out. My annoyance with him has nothing to do with my pregnancy just to let you guys know I've been hating on that guy since we started working together, which was 2-3 years ago! He's just one of those assholes you don't want to talk to if you had a choice. On Sunday, we decided to have a spur of the moment dinner with Mom. She provided the food and we provided dessert. We bought her a cake just because I felt kind of bad not bringing any when we told them the good news. To that fruit-topped cake's defense, that was one really yummy cheesecake! The kids thought it was their Grandma's birthday cake. They were very insistent about having birthday candles on the cake so I obliged and lit candles there and made them sing the Birthday song before they each can blow the candles. And that's how we spent our weekend...

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Food, food, food

Since I found out about my pregnancy I've been doing nothing but eat! I actually have to schedule when to eat because if I don't I'll faint from hunger. My usual eating time is breakfast at 9am, lunch at 11am, snack at 2 or 3pm, dinner at 4 or 5pm, snack again before bedtime. I repeat this process everyday since I found out if I don't snack in between meals I get so hungry I start getting dizzy. That's a lot of eating for one person but I have not gained any weight at all because of my eating habit. I found out from the book "What to Expect When You're Expecting" by Heidi Murkoff that's how pregnant women should eat. The book actually recommends eating 6 times a day and sometimes I do get to eat 6 times but most of the time it's only 5 times a day. The secret to this is not to eat a lot in one sitting. I used to only eat three times a day in big meals but I found out eating that way gives me indigestion. If you haven't experienced indigestion, it is painful! You can feel the food you just ate go down slowly and you'll feel this for a while until all the food go down to your stomach. When you're pregnant your body takes its time to process food making sure the baby gets to eat what you're eating before it settles in your stomach. I'm learning a lot from this book but I read it slowly so I can soak in all the information. This is what I learned so far from this book and of course my Dr:

What not to eat when you're pregnant or what to watch out for
-raw food
-veggies/fruits wash thoroughly
-seafood from the ocean (as it may contain mercury)
-dairy products and juice make sure it's pasteurized (in Canada dairy products found in the grocery stores are all pasteurized)
-deli meat (if you must cook it to get rid of potential salmonella)
-limit caffeine intake

Myth on what food you cannot eat
-spicy food (chilis, jalapenos, etc actually has vitamin C so it's okay to eat unless it gives you heartburn)
-ice cream (Chinese people are big on this and I don't understand why-my Dr and the book never said anything about pregnant women not allowed to eat ice cream)

As I'm still on my first trimester, the book says the baby doesn't need the extra calories from the mother since it's still small. I hear a lot that pregnant women should eat twice as much since the mother is eating for two but you have to remember the second person is very tiny (pea-like!) in the first trimester (1 to 12 weeks). In the second trimester, the mother needs 300 calories to 350 calories extra which is equivalent to 2 glasses of skim milk and a bowl of oatmeal (let me tell you that is not a lot at all!) In the third trimester, the mother can or should eat 500 cal extra.

I'm going to be doing more research and readings as I go into my second trimester. For now, I'm enjoying my insane food cravings :)

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Girls and Relationships

I have a friend who's a really nice girl (she's 19) but very stupid when it comes to guys and relationships. I've known her for about 2 years now and since I've known her she's always overlapping her guys. Up until last night I've stayed out of her business but I don't know what came over me (pregnancy hormones?) or maybe I'm just tired of her bullshit that I just snapped. Currently, she's living with her boyfriend of over a year. The way they met last year, she was also living with another guy at the time and somehow the two weeks I didn't see her she switched boyfriends (and houses). The whole time she was with this guy of over a year now, she's been entertaining other guys and even cheated on him. When I say cheated on him I mean she had a one night stand with some guy meanwhile convincing me she was in love with him but didn't break it off with her boyfriend anyway. Last night, she was on the phone with this other guy and I've been joining in their phone conversation out of jest but I must've listened in at a bad time since what I heard from him went like this, "so you must feel weird dating an old pervert." Upon hearing this I thought seriously? Again? She made mistake of telling me about one of her ex boyfriends and the guy on the phone heard her say she was living with that one so she had no choice but to tell him she did live with a guy. Lived with a guy? There's something missing in this info so I said, "and now too?" which of course the guy on the phone heard. She started freaking out and told the guy not to mind me since I'm just.. To this I said, "just being truthful?" She ran out of the room so fast stammering to explain to the guy that I wasn't serious. I think she wanted to be mad at me because after she hung up with the guy she started saying, "oh Kathy..." and to this part I said, "what the hell was that???!!! Are you serious?!" all she could say was, "I know, I don't know what's going on anymore." Before we parted last night the last thing I said to her was to fix it. Fix it fast.

When I saw my husband later last night, I told him the story, and he said I should've just minded my own business. I told him yes he's right and that's what I've been doing since I met her, and I couldn't take it anymore. He then said, "why did it take you this long to realize your friend is a slut. I knew from the first time I met her that's what she was!" Of course I knew she was already this way when I met her but I didn't care what she was doing. For two years I didn't think I treated her as a friend until last night.

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